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The women's meeting place UTAMARA e.V. was initiated by the International Free Women's Foundation (IFWF) based in the Netherlands and founded under its auspices in October 2006.


A comprehensive network of women from various European countries, especially Germany, supported the establishment of the women's meeting place UTAMARA both ideally and materially. Since its foundation, the women's meeting place UTAMARA e.V. has established itself as a non-profit association. In the meantime, UTAMARA has about 300 women from different countries of origin, many of whom are involved in the work and projects on a voluntary basis.


Uta and Amara

Uta Schneiderbanger and Amara Ceren Doğruak have been working for years in the Kurdish women's movement for a dignified life for all people. As German and Turkish women, they understood the violence and oppression against women worldwide as an attack against themselves and worked for worldwide women's solidarity and overcoming patriarchal conditions. Both women spoke several languages and actively participated in the development of a network between women and women's organisations in various countries.


Because their lives came to an early end in 2005 due to a car accident and many of their wishes and dreams have still not been fulfilled, the women's meeting place UTAMARA was named after these two outstanding personalities.


Frauenbegegnungsstätte UTAMARA e.V.

In der Stehle 26

53547 Kasbach-Ohlenberg

Tel: +49 (0) 2644 602424


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