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Welcome to UTAMARA - a place for all women

UTAMARA is a place for all women - of all ages and nationalities, regardless of social situation, religion and worldview, based on tolerance and mutual respect.


We are convinced that a peaceful world and a free life is possible.


We are creating an environment that is free of violence, coercion and pressure, thus promoting women's self-confidence and decision-making power.


We are combating to all forms of violence against women. We give support and counseling in coping with experiences of violence, war and migration.


We contribute to a fundamental change in awareness and thus promote sustainable democratic ways of life.


We promote the networking and organization of women, because together we are strong!


Frauenbegegnungsstätte UTAMARA e.V.

In der Stehle 26

53547 Kasbach-Ohlenberg

Tel: +49 (0) 2644 602424


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