Association Portrait

UTAMARA is a place for all women - of all ages and nationalities, regardless of social situation, religion and worldview, based on tolerance and mutual respect. We are convinced that a peaceful world and a free life is possible.


Developing solutions

UTAMARA wants to develop solutions for the manifold problems of women. Through the efforts of women's rights activists and women's institutions, many taboos that threaten women's lives have already been broken. This has affected the lives of millions of women. Our public relations and educational work with women and children wants to contribute to a fundamental change in awareness and thus promote democratic ways of life in the long term. UTAMARA was founded with the aim of playing a role in this change process.


Strengthening self-confidence and decision-making power

We are convinced that women's solidarity is necessary to overcome the manifold consequences of male violence in women's lives. We women need our own perspectives to overcome sexism and male violence. UTAMARA creates an environment that is free of violence, coercion and pressure, thus promoting women's self-confidence and decision-making power. In encounters with women from other cultures we women expand our creativity and expressiveness, we strengthen each other and give each other new confidence.


Combating violence against women

A fundamental goal of UTAMARA is to combat all forms of violence against women. We support and advise in coping with experiences of violence, war and migration. UTAMARA offers women a protective framework. UTAMARA conducts campaigns to raise public awareness, strengthen solidarity among women and combat patriarchal violence and social structures.


Cooperation and networks

We strive to expand and deepen cooperation and networks with other women's organisations and civil society institutions - regionally and internationally. UTAMARA is involved in a practical networking of social institutions that are active in the field of violence prevention and work to make the help system more effective and more accessible.